Board to discuss the California WaterFix plan. Attend to learn more!

The Santa Clara Valley Water District Board of Directors will receive more information on the California WaterFix plan at its regular meeting on July 11, in advance of deciding whether to participate in the project. To date, the Board has been gathering information on the state’s plan to improve water supply reliability through the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.

The California WaterFix plan is an attempt to improve the reliability of the water supply moving through the Delta while also improving ecosystem health, protecting fish and wildlife, and guarding from the effects of sea level rise, climate change, earthquakes, and increasing regulatory constraints. Santa Clara County depends on water from the Delta and Delta watershed for more than half of its water supply, so it is critical that these supplies are reliable into the future. As the Santa Clara Valley Water District is one of the water districts south of the Delta, the plan does not focus entirely on Southern California or Central Valley farmers, but includes our water supply reliability in its scope.

Learn more about the WaterFix plan here.

The upcoming meeting will provide the Board and the public with more information. The meeting is open to the public, and the Board is interested in your input.

Check the water district website on June 30 or after for meeting materials. The meeting will be held at 1 p.m. at the water district headquarters in the boardroom at 5700 Almaden Expressway, San Jose, CA. 95118.

The input received from the community is invaluable to the Board. You are encouraged to attend this upcoming meeting, and invited to view the meeting online as all board meetings are streamed live. You may access the link from the same page listed above.

You may also provide comments to the Board by submitting a board meeting agenda item comment card or sending an email to


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