Why should Santa Clara County care about the Delta?

The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta serves as the hub of California’s water system, which supplies drinking water to 25 million Californians, including most of Santa Clara County. Over the years, as the population of the state has grown, pressure on the Delta has grown, and today, it faces problems including fishery declines, seismic risk, sea level rise, and subsidence, or the sinking of land elevation.

The California WaterFix plan is the state’s proposed infrastructure improvement project intended to reduce risks to water supplies from levee failure and increasing salt water intrusion due to sea level rise, and to improve flow patterns in the south Delta to protect fish. How well the plan would do that and how it would affect Santa Clara County’s water supply reliability and rate payers is something the Board of Directors of the Santa Clara Valley Water District is considering carefully.

The Board will discuss aspects of the plan including design and construction management and governance, operations and adaptive management (a flexible, science-based approach to resource management and decision-making) at its regular public meeting on Aug. 22 at 6 p.m. The Board will also receive an update on the status of the plan’s regulatory compliance. In a separate item on the agenda, the Board will discuss issues facing the water district’s imported water supplies. These problems facing the Delta and why they are important to Santa Clara County will be discussed.

The Board is seeking public input on the plan and is inviting the public to attend the meeting. It will take place in the boardroom at the District’s headquarters at 5700 Almaden Expressway. For more on the WaterFix, visit the water district’s website.

Future meetings to discuss the California WaterFix are scheduled for Sept. 12 at 1 p.m. and Oct. 10. These meetings are subject to change, so please check our website to confirm.



  1. I have read about the Delta plan and I am adamantly opposed to it. Further I oppose you spending our taxpayer money on this boondoggle. Your website information appears to me to suggest that the Water Board is committed to spending on this project. Yet you claim that you are seeking our input. This seems dishonest. If you really wanted our input then you would NOT have already been praising the Delta project. Shame on you.


    1. Thank you for your comment Robert. The board is scheduled to decide whether to participate on Oct. 10. They will also be discussing it on Sept. 12. You are welcome to attend both those meetings to offer your feedback. Both meetings will begin at 1 p.m. at the water district headquarters at 5700 Almaden Expressway in San Jose. The schedule is subject to change, so check back for final dates and times at https://scvwd.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx


      1. Oh what crap. It is obvious that the Santa Clara Water District wants to spend our tax dollars on this Delta boondoggle. The Water District’s communications to us is less than honest. Shame on you.


  2. Is the “California Water Fix” plan a euphemism for the twin tunnels boondoggle? I hope not, but in the event it is, I think that in the interests of transparency and full disclosure you spell that out in a message before the meeting on the 22d.


    1. Hi Woody, the California WaterFix is the name of the project that includes two tunnels built under the Delta. You are welcome to attend the Board’s next discussions on this issue on Sept. 12 and Oct. 10 to let them know what you think. Both meetings are at 1 p.m. at water district headquarters at 5700 Almaden Expressway in San Jose. If you can’t make either meeting, you can send in your comment at http://apps2.valleywater.org/agenda_Comment_Form/



    2. Yes. It is a euphemism for the Gov Brown and Santa Clara Water District boondoggle. And it is an awful way to spend our tax payer $$,


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